The article entitled “Come può l’agricoltura africana adattarsi ai cambiamenti climatici?” ("How can the African agriculture go with the climatic changes?") won Marcella Veronesi, a researcher of Political Economy of the University of Verona, the 2013 International Geneva Award. This prize is given by the Swiss Network for International Studies to publications that are particularly relevant on an international level every year. Her article was published on Land Economics, a journal of the University of Wisconsis, dedicated to the use of natural resources. The article analises the climatic impact on the growings in Sub-Sahara, characterised by a low land productivity and by meteorological conditions which are often adverse.
Marcella Veronesi commented “ It is a huge satisfaction to receive this prize when the climatic change and the alimentary security are at the centre of public debate. The analysis which I have conducted together with my colleague Salvatore Di Falco, who works at the University of Geneva, shows which could be the best adoption strategies for facing the negative effects of the climatic change on the alimentary security and which could be the economical implications of this fact. In particular, it comes out that changing growings is not enough. This adaptation plan must be combined with other adaptation plans of water and soil conservation in order to bring more proceeds and alimentary security".