The University of Verona organises two webinars open to researchers interested in Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual scholarships: one of the best known and most prestigious grant that the European Union dedicates to research within the Horizon 2020 program.
Through this support, researchers of any nationality can conduct their own research project at European and international universities and research organisations. In the last call 1,475 researchers have obtained the grant. Totally 126 of them have chosen Italy as their destination, fourth country in Europe after the United Kingdom, Spain, and France. To date, the University of Verona has hosted 11 Marie Curie fellows in all disciplines: from the humanities to mathematics, passing through the life sciences.
To support all those who want to participate in the next call, the University of Verona organizes two free webinars to present the next call and give useful advice to prepare the proposal.
The first appointment is on Tuesday 19 May 2020 from 14:30 to 16:30 to get to know the call text, while the second appointment is on Wednesday 20 May at the same time to learn how to write a successful proposal. The webinars, in English, are open to everyone: both to those who want to present their proposal within the University of Verona, and to those interested from abroad to choose our university as their host location.